3 mar. 2011

Leukemia - engleza

Germana: Leukämie; Romana: leucemie

Leukemia is a malignant disease leading to increased production of certain types of white blood cells (named leukocytes) in the bone marrow and other blood-forming organs. Owing to the overproduction of white immature and abnormal cells the production of normal white cells, red cells (named erythrocytes) and platelets (named thrombocytes) is suppressed, causing anemia, bleeding and swelling of the spleen, lymph nodes and liver.

Depending on the progression of the disease there are acute or chronic types of leukemia and according to the type of white cell which grows abnormally in can be divided into acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and others. 

This disease is treated with cytotoxic drugs and radiotherapy, which destroy cancer cells by suppressing cell division.

2 mar. 2011


Germana: Sarkom

Cancer al tesutului conjunctiv. Tumora poate aparea oriunde in organism si se dezvolta in tesuturile de sustinere, tesutul fibros, muschi, tesutul grasos, oase, sange, sinoviale, rareori se localizeaza la nivelul organelor.

Germana: Sarkomatose

Afectiune care se caracterizeaza prin existenta mai multor sarcoame. Tratamentul presupune administrarea unor substante citotoxice, precum: doxorubicina, vincristina, ciclofosfamida, ifosfamida, metotrexat.

Germana: Chondrosarkom

Tumora maligna la nivelul tesuturilor cartilaginoase cu localizare in jurul oaselor. Deoarece aceste tumori nu sunt sensibile la radio- si chimioterapie se recurge la tratament chirurgical.

Germana: Fibrosarkom

Tumora maligna a tesutului conjunctiv care se dezvolta atat in tesuturi moi (organe) cat si in oase.

Germana: Liposarkom

Tumora maligna a tesutului adipos (tesut grasos) care se localizeaza preponderent la coapsa si se trateaza chirurgical.
Exista patru forme:
1.      liposarcom bine diferentiat (hochdifferenziertes Liposarkom)
2.      mixoid (myxoides Liposarkom)
3.      pleomorfic (pleomorphes Liposarkom)
4.      liposarcom cu celule rotunde (rundzelliges Liposarkom)

 Germana: Leiomyosarkom

Tumora maligna a tesutului muscular cu localizare la uter, stomac, intestinul subtire, vezica urinara, prostata etc.